Delegate-Applications are open! – KAMUN 2023

KAMUN I 17-19 November 2023 I Karlsruhe, Germany

Delegate-Applications are open!

Sign up for KAMUN 2023 on mymun today!

Conference Theme – A World in Transition

Experience the Ultimate MUN Event: KAMUN 2023 – The Black Forest Summit

Prepare yourself for an extraordinary journey of academic rigor and intercultural exploration at KAMUN 2023 – The Black Forest Summit. Join delegates from around the globe as we engage in thought-provoking debates that aim to address issues as we are at the brink of A World in Transition.

With a wide range of committees catering to all levels of expertise, from beginner-friendly to intermediate and advanced, there is a perfect opportunity for every MUN enthusiast to engage in the complex and ever fascinating world of Geopolitics.  
Immerse yourself in the captivating ambiance of the region, as you delve into its rich cultural heritage, all while forging meaningful and lifelong connections with delegates hailing from every corner of the globe through everything from Soirees to Raves.

Rest assured, your delegate fee covers not only the conference itself but also an exquisite culinary experience. Indulge in delicious meals, alongside refreshing coffee, water, and snacks throughout the conference. Selected drinks will also be available during the social events. And let’s not forget the Masquerade Ball – your entrance to this glamorous affair is included as well.

Don’t miss out on this unparalleled MUN experience. Mark your calendars, pack your suits and dresses, and join us at KAMUN 2023 – The Black Forest Summit. Register now to secure your place at an event to remember. We can’t wait to welcome you!