Committee Description
The current civil war in Sudan has displaced hundreds of thousands of Sudanese citizens, most of them women and children. Food insecurity and extremely dangerous cities among a multitude of other unfortunate problems have made the situation for the Sudanese people untenable. In the UNHCR we strive to find answers to this unavoidable issue by discussing frameworks that ascertain the safety of Sudanese refugees and IDPs. All present states have a crucial say in the matter of pursuing a multilateral solution which enables the Sudanese people to be safe and have someplace they could call home.
Your chairs are Núria and Nazan!

I am a Law student at Pompeu Fabra University. My interests in international law and security as well as diplomacy and human rights introduced me to discover the world of MUNs. Since I started university, I have participated both as a delegate, chair, and member of a Secretariat in several conferences, which has made me learn to debate and negotiate in a multilateral context. It’s an honor working along with the KAMUN 2023 Secretariat by chairing the UNHCR together with Nazan and I’m really looking forward to welcome you all next November in Karlsruhe.
On my bucket list question is seeing the northern lights ✨
While I do very much enjoy studying Politics and Public Administration at the University of Konstanz, the MUN world is a fascinating place that I’m frankly addicted to. I love to get to know new people from different parts of our Earth and always learn from the best, allowing me to improve as a professional and more importantly, a person. Apart from that, I truly believe that such conferences like KAMUN 2023 are where the leaders of not only tomorrow, but now, are born. Therefore, I’m eagerly anticipating the action in our UNHCR committee together with Núria, delving into a topic of utmost importance and relevance, see you there!
And I’m answering the bucket list question: